
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vanilla-blueberry Scuffins - a fantastic combination of muffins and scones

You see, I cook and blog much at the moment, but there are eeendlich holiday! And a true raging out there in October weather, but there is nothing better than finally try out all the wonderful recipes that are left lying for some time on the to-do list. Among other things, this one. I tell you, it is sheer madness, I really seldom eaten such delicious particles! It combines juicy loose-crumbly muffins with full-bodied British scones on an incredibly delicious way.

And this is done really fast, and the Scuffins come completely without flour! Includes: ground almonds, vanilla extract, baking powder, arrowroot flour, an egg, agave syrup and fresh blueberries. I've made a frosting to passed from blueberries, vanilla and powdered sugar

I tell you, forget about muffins and scones, but also one of those delicious cakes Scuffins! Preheat oven to 175 degrees: For the glaze. All dry ingredients to the mix Scuffins, and in another bowl, mix the wet. Then the wet ingredients into the bowl to the dry ingredients and mix well.

Mix in the last hand dripping blueberries. Roll the dough into a flat circle, press and cut these into 8 parts. Place on a baking paper-lined plate, and about 15 minutes until golden brown. Let cool. Puree the blueberries fine for the frosting, and strain through a sieve. Stir in the sugar, 1 teaspoon water and vanilla.

Add more depending on the consistency of powdered sugar or blueberry market. Sprinkle on the Scuffins, and leave to set.

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