
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Indiana Crayfish

Serves: 6 people Difficulty ': Media Preparation time: 1 hour INGREDIENTS salt 1 carrot 1 celery onions 3 bay leaves 1 handful of parsley, some basil leaves 6 peppercorns small lobsters 200gr. 400g of butter. nut rice soup 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 teaspoon flour PROCEEDINGS -------------------------- Put a saucepan with 5 liters of water salt, a carrot, scraped and washed, an onion deprived of its outer skin, a rib of celery, washed and stripped of filaments, a few bay leaves, parsley and basil, washed and drained well and a few grains of pepper.

Bring to a boil, then plunge the lobsters (preferably alive), very clean and cook for about 20 minutes, then remove the lobster from the court-bouillon, open them in the center, extract its pulp as possible without crushing and cut into equal slices . In another container that can go in the oven, you cook the chopped onion with 100g.

of butter, add rice, cover with vegetable stock cube (assuming 2 per cup of rice broth) and put in a hot oven for 18 minutes. With a towel strain the fish stock and keep aside. Chop fine the last onion and sauté gently with the remaining butter, add a tablespoon of curry powder and dilute it all with a cup of fish broth: After 10 minutes add a tablespoon of flour dissolved with a little 'fish broth.

Put the rice on a serving plate, shelling beans with a fork, place the pieces of lobster, sprinkle with the curry sauce, which you have sifted through and decorated with the shells of lobsters.

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