
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chinese beef strips in yellow soybean sauce

This dish is made from this cookbook, and today was cooked lunch. And like most Chinese wok dishes, it was quickly done, crisp, rich and vegetable killer to lick my dear in-laws (thanks again!), We have a huge portion of real beef tenderloin (beef =) get paid. Part we raise today just made into the Chinese court.

The meat is cut into thin slices and marinated with Szechuan pepper, salt and rice wine. Then it is fried very briefly with dried chillies. Then comes a lot of added vegetables, I took carrots, peppers, celery and mung bean sprouts. deglaze with soy sauce, rice wine, soy sauce and yellow, is it finished already.

Stir in meat, sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds and coriander - Mhmmm, so I can tell you: if you ever come to such a piece of meat, cook this dish! We have done as always double the amount of sauce: Cut the vegetables into thin slices or strips. The meat with Sichuan pepper, salt and 2 tablespoons rice wine marinate about 20 minutes.

Then pat dry. Half of the oil in a wok and fry the meat with dried chili peppers in it, the meat should be just cooked, but in no case be dry, as is enough for 1 minute. Removal. Heat the remaining oil and stir fry the vegetables, depending on the succession Garungsgrad crisp, about 3 minutes.

Then add the soy sauce, rice wine and remaining bean sauce, stir and let it boil briefly. Stir meat and season with sesame oil. Immediately with coriander and sesame seeds sprinkled serve. Serve with basmati or jasmine rice.

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