
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Curd with strawberries

Again a light dessert, easy to make and nutritious, you can prepare the weekend or at night while you make dinner, the curd with strawberries is easy and quick to make, and will be a homemade dessert with which to enjoy yours any day of the week. Then you will see the development that is the natural fruit, and curd seize commercial envelopes curd, although not as authentic, give good results.

The combination of strawberries, or strawberries with curd is a delight, sure you'll be asked this again in another curd dessert with strawberries. 300 grams milk, 8 grams of curd, strawberries 275 grams, 30 grams sugar (you can put a little vanilla sugar), 3 grams Gelburger and fresh mint.

Put a saucepan with 200 grams of milk (you know I prefer to weigh ingredients), medium heat, stirring with a spatula so that it does not stick to the bottom. Pour the remaining milk in a cup, mix with curd powder. When the milk to a boil, remove from heat and add the glass of milk with the curd, mix well and bring back the fire, stirring constantly, let boil a minute or two, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Then pour the curd into the cups for dessert presentation. Cover with plastic wrap and reserve in refrigerator. Prepare strawberries for dessert complete, in this case we used Gelburger because we can gel the ingredients without heating or bring to a boil, while maintaining their natural flavor and fresh.

If you want to do this curd with agar agar or gelatin sheets, you can use a little water to bring to a boil and proceed as directed by the product, then add the strawberry puree. With Gelburger is as simple as putting in the blender cup strawberries, sugar, and blend until Gelburger cream or fruit puree.

When the curd is resting in the fridge starts to solidify, you can pour the strawberry puree. Back to the film cover and let stand at least four hours, the ideal is to prepare the day before.

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